4 9 M i l e D r i v e

S a n F r a n c i s c o / M o n t e r e y

C a l i f o r n i a / U S A

Beating our own path has enhanced many a trip. Usually it's aided with a chance encounter with a friendly local who clued us in on something the guidebooks missed. We hope you find these links similarly useful traveling in the City by the Bay and around the Golden State.

Tips and places to consider when on foot [

Our 7x7 heaven [
Crime in the city [
Nice tourist guide [
Mission bay UCSF [
Into Sanborn maps? [
Special tours and history [
San Francisco City Guides [
Moscone Convention Center [
Top 100 Bay Area restaurants [
Find a home in San Francisco [
San Francisco Parks Conservancy [
The Western Neighborhoods Project [
Mint Plaza: a successful infill project [
News from the streets of San Francisco [
Expect a line outside my favorite bakery.[

Tips and places to consider when planning [

The Monterey County Visitor and Convention Bureau [
Places you may not have considered to stay in SF [
The former SF Visitor and Convention Bureau [
The first Microsoft Store ever was in this mall [
A favorite hotel on the Monterey Peninsula [
The Monterey Peninsula Toy Box [
Sausalito Chamber of commerce [
Nice tourist guide [
Mr. Toad's Tours [
The local rag [

[ Home ]

] Tips and places to consider when on wheels

] Gotta park?
] Boats on the Bay
] Sierra Road conditions
] Getting around by train
] Bay Area traffic cameras
] Driving on California roads
] Byways around the country
] How The City plans The City
] Things made in San Francisco
] Side trips for the two-wheel set
] What to consider when driving in SF
] The new subway through San Francisco
] Fighting parking tickets in San Francisco
] The inside story on San Francisco real estate
] Imagine San Francisco crisscrossed by freeways

] Tips and places to pass time

] Best Highway One stop south of Monterey
] Burrito Justice (it's not all about food)
] What happened when you were born?
] A topical forum of local information
] One man's history in San Francisco
] The Sole Proprietor's Journal
] Make your own timeline
] Lynn's photo site
] Best of the Bay
] Filoli Gardens

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